Jana Horáková, Jiří Mucha
Computer Graphic Re-visited
3. 10. 2017 – 6. 10. 2017
House of Arts

A virtual reconstruction of one of the first exhibitions of computer-generated graphics and the first exhibition ever in the Eastern Bloc, organised in 1968 in the House of Arts by the theorist, curator and artist Jiří Valoch (*1946).
The reconstruction of Valoch’s exhibition can be taken as part of the post-modern phenomenon of remembering exhibitions. At the same time, it is an experiment which belongs to the domain of digital humanities, when high-tech tools are deployed within art history research. The project is unique in employing the technology of fully immersive virtual reality, whereby we work with virtual 3D simulation in a different way than is the usual standard. We do not simulate solely movement in virtual space, but also movement in time. The locating of the exhibition reconstruction directly in the space where the COMPUTER GRAPHIC exhibition took place in 1968, in the entrance hall of the Brno House of Arts, it evokes moving back into the past, or invoking the invisible present genius loci – the virtuality of the place. The CoMputer GraPhic Re-visited virtual exhibition is organised on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Valoch’s exhibition which will be commemorated in February 2018. Concept and implementation of the exhibition: Jana Horáková and Jiří Mucha
The exhibition is available for visitors every day starting Tuesday 3 October ending Friday 6 October, 10 am - 6 pm. Exhibition opening on 5 October 5 pm.
The exhibition is part of the agenda of the 4th International Conference on History and Philosophy of Computing (HaPoC4) /http://www.hapoc.org/hapoc4 /. After the conferences in Gent (2011), Paris (2013) and Pisa (2015) it is being held this year in Brno. Between 4 and 7 October 2017 it is being hosted by Masaryk University.
Concept and implementation of the exhibition: Jana Horáková and Jiří Mucha
House of Arts
Malinovského nám 2
Exhibition Opening: 5. 10. 2017