OPEN CALL The Brno Artists in Residence 2019
The Brno Artists in Residence 2019
Brno Artists in Residence is happy to announce an open call for visual artists from Austria, Germany, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia for two months residency stay in The Brno House of Arts
We search for: 3x artist; 1x curator
2 months residency stay
Location: The Brno House of Arts, House of the Lords of Kunštát, Dominikánská 9, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic
Applications are accepted only in English and by e-mail until: Monday 17th of December 2018
We are open for all media of visual arts.
We are proud to announce the open call for artists and curator in residence in The Brno House of Arts, Czech Republic!
The Brno Artists in Residence is the project of The Brno House of Art. Since 2017 the residency program has become one of the key constituents of the Brno House of Arts concept. The third floor of the House of the Lords of Kunštát, refurbished so that to accommodate the residency program, offers facilities for the stay and work of artists in two studios.
The Brno House of Arts international residency program has been launched with the objective to develop opportunities for an exchange of ideas and opinions between the Czech and international arts scenes, especially to strengthen discussion in between neighboring countries, and for further expanding the current position of The Brno House of Arts as a complex intermediator of contemporary art towards an active artistic environment.
Visual artists in various disciplines, curators and researchers in the field of contemporary art are invited to take part in the residencies. The residency is conceived as a medium for the realization of artistic projects and experiments, as a format for artistic activities that need not necessarily lead to an exhibition in the traditional sense of the word, but also to other means of presentation. Research projects mapping the environment and introducing new stimuli, and especially socially engaged projects that induce further discussion, are most welcome.
The presentations of works can have various form - presentations, debates, performances, etc. are organized on an individual basis. Residency program has closer interconnection with the Gallery G99 as a space for the presentation of selected residents’ works in form of exhibitions.
The Brno House of Arts provides:
1 Artistic stipendium: 10 000 CZK in gross + per diem 300 CZK
2 Accommodation for two months
3 Studio for artist or curator
4 PR activities (fb, gallery webpage -
5 Available technical equipment for work: Handy recorder, camera, tripod, projector + workshop tools
Artists obligate:
1 To stay in Brno at least 75% of time
3 Participate on program organize by The Brno House of Arts for its residents
4 Communication languages are English and Czech
5 The artist undertakes to elaborate a final report with photographic documentation from the course of the residency
● Applications have to include the following two documents:
1) Letter of intent explaining why you apply, what you expect and what you would like to focus on during the residence (max. 1000 characters)
2) Brief informative curriculum vitae, including contact information (max. 1 page)
3) Portfolio (max. 10 MB)
Videos/films – we recommend to provide links to your own website, Vimeo page, youtube page, etc.
Please do not send video files.
● All documents must be sent as PDF.
● Please note:
● Accepted candidates are required to use the residence in its full length during the following fixed periods. Please, let us know about your prefered dates in a body of your e-mail application:
- 1 artists: Mid of March – mid of May 2019
- 2 artists: June – July 2019
- 1 artists: mid of September – mid of November 2019
● Applications are accepted only in English and by e-mail until: 17th of December 2018 (till 23:59)
● Please send your application with subject "Open Call – Brno Artists in Residence 2019" to: [obfuscate_1_|106|97|109|103|97|112|64|99|117|105|43|117|108|101|106|103|46|98|122]
● Results of the Open Call will be announced in the end of January latest.
All the participants will be informed about results via e-mail.
For more information, please contact the residency assistent Jan Langer [obfuscate_1_|106|97|109|103|97|112|64|99|117|105|43|117|108|101|106|103|46|98|122]
Project is supported by The City of Brno and by Czech Ministry of Culture.
The Brno House of Arts reserves the right to modify or cancel the project.