Máté Elod Janky (HUN)
1. 3. 2022 – 30. 4. 2022

The works of Máté Elod Janky are closely connected to experiences of virtuality – mainly working with digital media and footage found on the internet, he conveys ambiguous emotion into crowded but fragile worlds, both on audio and visual territories. His pieces can be perceived as pages ripped out from an encrypted diary – in terms of visuality, he is interested in developing personal symbolism & mythology while exploring various psychological concepts. His pictures can be seen as mind maps / visual representations of thought patterns, with shapes, textures and narratives soaked with self-reflection. In sound, he is interested in improvisation, textural thinking, eclecticism and the frontiers of music. He is running netlabel Daddypower Records alongside online art space Balloon Tooth Gallery, and usually performs music as Alley Catss.