My Roots Are in a Pot
20. 11. 2024 – 2. 3. 2025
House of Arts, Jaroslav Král Gallery
Terezie Petišková
The multimedia installation by the Brno-based artist TIMO is a dialogue between a large number of stencils of texts intended for spraying in the public spaces and an installation capturing the artist's thought and creative background. This will be illustrated by a number of drawings, objects and paintings in progress.
TIMO has established himself in the cultural community as a street artist. We encounter his texts in various forgotten, often unsightly places - on lampposts, walls, fences, trash cans, in passageways, under bridges, etc. His artistically conceived slogans react to situations, events, politics or consumerism that our society experiences. His texts are sometimes created situationally, as a commentary on the character of the place they enter. They are ironic, responding to our unconscious actions, working with humour and paradox, touching on social issues. Behind TIMO's short street slogans there is a poetic work with text and his desire for a composed, multi-layered, complex work of art. We can recognize a similar method of creative work in the other genres he uses to express himself.
House of Arts, Jaroslav Král Gallery
Malinovského nám 2
Kam v Brně
Ministerstvo kultury
Statutární město Brno