Old Addresses
27. 11. 2019 – 29. 3. 2020
House of the Lords of Kunštát
Vendula Fremlová

Artists: Jan Ambrůz, Marie Blabolilová, Kateřina Frejlachová, Radek Fridrich, Anežka Kovalová, Lukáš Kováčik, Jiří Kubový, Miroslav Pazdera, Tadeáš Říha, Zorka Ságlová, Martin Špičák, Dagmar Šubrtová, Michaela Thelenová, Vladimír Turner, Diana Winklerová, Martin Zet
The relationship of people with land and landscape, given for centuries and essential, which has long been disturbed and uprooted by collectivization, is now often replaced by indifference. The exhibition concept is based on a reflexion on the disappearing of the land and landscape, together with the disappearance of the relation to the place. The title refers to a poetry collection by Ivan Blatný, evoking (like the exhibition) something like environmental sadness, a longing for the vanishing landscape and biodiversity. There are works that critically comment on the present state of the landscape, and also those reflecting the landscape of the past, the artists’ inner landscape, a more or less idealized landscape without environmental burdens and climate change…
Photo: Michaela Dvořáková
House of the Lords of Kunštát
Dominikánská 9
Exhibition Opening: 26. 11. 2019
Ministerstvo kultury
Statutární město Brno
Kam v Brně