Workshop & Performance
Sbor Družstva život

13. 2. 2025 17:00 – 19:00

House of the Lords of Kunštát

Sbor Družstva život

Sbor Družstva život (Denisa Langrová, Ruta Putramentaite, Jonáš Richter) works with the emotional charge of collective singing and its ability to create a shared space together. The artists are united by their interest in the voice and its effect on the individual in relation to themes of social and cultural ecology.
In its workshops, the choir seeks to create a temporary community through singing together, one sounding body, consisting of the voices of all participants. Songs are created so that anyone can join in, without preparation and regardless of previous singing experience. The lyrics consist of fragments of academic texts, folk or pop songs, but above all they respond thematically to the specific event in which the performance takes place.
For the accompannying programme of the Emergency. Preparing for the Future exhibition, the choir prepared a workshop during which we will use rhythmic exercises to observe the physiological and social aspects of our own breath and voice. Then, singing together, we will let our bodies resonate through a mosaic of texts thematically responding to the work of the artists in the exhibition. Our shared sound body will then resonate for other visitors to the accompanying program.

House of the Lords of Kunštát

Dominikánská 9

