Siemen Van Gaubergen (BEL)
4. 5. 2022 – 30. 6. 2022

“The first dino bone was not seen as a dino bone, but just as a very big bone.”
-Siemen Van Gaubergen
Brussels-based artist Siemen Van Gaubergen (b. 1991, Leuven) holds a Master in graphic storytelling from LUCA School of Arts. He investigates contemporary visual culture and the way in which we perceive, read and understand images.
The anecdotes and narratives that fuel his work stem from a multitude of sources, amongst others philosophical treaties; history; meme-culture and social media; popular memorabilia; or travel souvenirs. Siemen decontextualises this source material to reveal the absurd, the humour, the beauty in randomness. His work features phone-captured photography, painting, video-stills, instruction sheets, language and graphic signs.
-Evelyn Simons