Uli Westphal (DE)
In his work, the German graphic and visual artist Uli Westphal deals with how people perceive, describe and transform nature, particularly focusing on how human misunderstanding and ideologies de/form human perception of nature, and on the effects of the food industry. His work is multidisciplinary and based on research and experiments. He studied in Germany, the USA and the Netherlands. He exhibited, for example, at the Victoria & Albert Museum in London (Food Bigger than Plate), and participated in the exhibition ReShape Mutating: Systems, Bodies and Perspectives (MU Hybrid Art House, Eindhoven) in the Netherlands. In 2016, he also presented his project Excellent (Art Wall Gallery) in Prague. He likes to place his works in the public space. He lives and works in Berlin.
In collaboration with seed banks, Uli Westphal has gathered a large collection of seeds of various pea varieties, which he photographed using a specially adapted microscope. Selected pairs of seeds, enlarged to monumental proportions, are displayed as billboards in various locations in Brno and also in Hynčice.