Michaela Davidová (CZ)
15. 9. 2023 – 15. 11. 2023

Michaela Davidova (1988, she/her) is a Czech artist and researcher based in Tilburg, the Netherlands. She has a BA(Hons) Artist, Designer: Maker degree from the Cardiff School of Art and Design, Wales; and a MA Ecology Futures degree from the Master Institute of Visual Cultures, Noord Brabant.
In her art practice, Davidova often investigates the imprints in the environment manifested through the material witness and works with the experimental methods of pseudoscience-art and do-it-yourself. Her research is hugely driven by the process. Body waste, DIY column chromatography, urine-based photographic developer, belly sounds, ingredients, pinhole cameras and morphing growing cultures are all part of her practice. Although her artistic research revolves around analogue photography, it is not limited to images. Instead, she aims to bring audiences closer to ecological thinking which she explains as ‘getting out of the frame and enlarging the role of the photography practitioner into an alchemist and a carer’.
Michaela Davidova is an active workshop teacher in alternative photographic processes, she works as a project coordinator and a co-curator in Tilburg-based project space SEA Foundation where she is also inviting guests into the monthly reading circles. She collaborates with the Sustainable Darkroom collective (UK) and is a member of a filmlab Filmwerkplaats, Rotterdam (NL). Her graduation research named Constructed Wetlands & Deconstructed Borders was awarded EKP Excellence in research award 2022, and it has been supported by doc. Ing. Michal Krišky Dunajský, Ph.D. from VUT, Brno. It focuses on the ecological impact of photographic materials and darkroom waters, their remediation and digestion by living organisms and the thin borders which exist between the humanature.