By Virtue of / Dalibor Chatrný

7. 2. 2018 – 8. 4. 2018

House of the Lords of Kunštát

By Virtue of / Dalibor Chatrný

By virtue of exhibition maps the activities and influence of the renowned Brno artist Dalibor Chatrný, through works and personalities encountered by the artist in his lifetime. We believe that the artist’s importance lies not only in the originality and authenticity of his artworks and projects but also in his influence on several generations of artists and other leading figures in the Czech art milieu, notably in Brno. The curators view his art in broader connections, as the creation of situations and open interactions in the context of art, art education and everyday life.

The exhibition is available for English speaking visitors only in a limited version. Not all parts of the exhibitions are translated to English. We are sorry for any inconveniences.


Accompanying Programme

By Virtue of / Dalibor Chatrný

By Virtue of / Dalibor Chatrný

6. 2. 2018

House of the Lords of Kunštát

Prostory Dalibora Chatrného

Prostory Dalibora Chatrného

14. 3. 2018

House of the Lords of Kunštát

By Virtue of / Dalibor Chatrný

By Virtue of / Dalibor Chatrný

7. 3. 2018

House of the Lords of Kunštát

House of the Lords of Kunštát

Dominikánská 9


Exhibition Opening: 9. 2. 2018




Kam v Brně


Turistické informační centrum města Brna


Dům umění města Brna

Ministerstvo kultury

Statutární město Brno
