Pavel Korbička
13. 3. 2019 – 28. 4. 2019
House of Arts
Artist-curated exhibition in cooperation with Miroslava Hájek.
The works by Pavel Korbička are deliberations on space, where light is the principal means of expression. He endeavours to expose the inherent order and significance of particular locations and, in combination with large-size light-conducive plates, to inscribe brand new spaces into the existing ones, completely changing the perspective of our perception. Visitors who enter the installation will find themselves inside a pulsating labyrinth of light, which can lead them to the edge of their own physical imbalance and hence a deeper awareness of themselves.
The site-specific project produced for the Brno House of Arts will present brand new monumental light installations forming a counterpoint to the dominant symmetry of this exceptional exhibition space. The exhibition will consist of four physically accessible structures interlinked by their meaning, made of hollow polycarbonate and illuminated by colour neon light. The colours will change depending on the spatial arrangement of the gallery in order to amplify the contrast between the individual rooms, while the contrast between warm and cool colours will be simultaneously used in order to reinforce the difference in spatial perception. The exhibition is to be a composed way leading to inner confrontation with the psychophysical aspects of one’s own body that are innate to each of us.
House of Arts
Malinovského nám 2
Exhibition Opening: 12. 3. 2019
Ministerstvo kultury
Statutární město Brno
Kam v Brně
![Ministerstvo kultury](|fit:crop-50-50/s-a2e3c8cc93d2?_ts=1609689636)
![Statutární město Brno](|fit:crop-50-50/s-617a98105fbe?_ts=1736413926)
![Kam v Brně](|fit:crop-50-50/s-7bae161392f2?_ts=1609690554)