Diplomanti FaVU 2016
24. 6. 2016 – 24. 7. 2016
House of the Lords of Kunštát
Václav Magid a Vasil Artamonov
Exhibition of diploma works from the Faculty of Fine Arts, Technical University 2016
The exhibition presents this year’s 39 graduates of both genders from the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Technical University in Brno. At the heart of the exhibition concept is an attempt to construe an ideal type that would represent the characteristic opinions and attitudes, motivations and expectations, abilities and skills, techniques and strategies, prevailing among the female and male students of the diploma year. The arrangement of their profiles in the catalogue and the architectural design of the exhibition simultaneously endeavour to respect individual differences between students and deviations from the norm embodied by the ideal type. The exhibition therefore exposes both the identity of the person being a product of an educational institution specializing in art, and the degree of variability permissible within its framework.
House of the Lords of Kunštát
Dominikánská 9
Exhibition Opening: 23. 6. 2016
Dům umění města Brna
Ministerstvo kultury
Statutární město Brno
Kam v Brně