Reinhold Zisser

9. 6. 2021 – 4. 7. 2021

House of the Lords of Kunštát, G99


The exhibtion in G99 will show all parts of LAVKA-NOTGALERIE as fragments and Objects on their own, before they will be restored as one piece and a video installation that shows the journey and transformation of the Object. This Object (the bridge) will connect both places, Vienna and Brno, in real terms. The moment created by the separation and simultaneous connection will subsequently be furtherused by artists. Czech and Austrian artists will be invited to play on both entities of LAVKA-NOTGALERIE, aware that the work can only be whole through the connection of both places.

During the last years a central feature of the works of Reinhold Zisser is the reflection and presentation of the relationship between artists and institutions. In his works he understands curatorial action and the "system art institution" as material to generate artistic works. The artist slips like a hermit crab into new shells that he changes and leaves again. For this parasitic strategy of infiltration and visualization of the art institution(s) as form(s), he is using different materials and strategies.

Accompanying Programme

Exhibition Opening Reinhold Zisser: Lavka-Notgalerie

Exhibition Opening Reinhold Zisser: Lavka-Notgalerie

8. 6. 2021

Exhibition opening of Reinhold Zisser's exhibition Lavka-Notgalerie.

House of the Lords of Kunštát, G99


House of the Lords of Kunštát, G99

Dominikánská 9


Exhibition Opening: 8. 6. 2021


Kam v Brně


Turistické informační centrum města Brna


Ministerstvo kultury

Statutární město Brno
