Your Addiction Is the Message
11. 12. 2024 – 16. 2. 2025
House of the Lords of Kunštát, G99
Barbora Trnková

Everything that is visible makes something invisible. The act of art making and operating a gallery that contextualizes and mediates the work are therefore a supremely responsible activity. For even art is not immune to the possibility of becoming a space of escape from the world rather than a gateway to its deeper exploration.
This exhibition is the culmination of a year-long series, Your Addiction Is The Message, which explores the theme of addiction and escape strategies in the context of current socio-cultural issues through art making. By reinterpreting media theorist Marshall McLuhan's famous phrase "The medium is the message," we propose to approach addictions as a source of embedded information that can be not only enriching but also necessary.
The exhibition is art-research led, its thesis preceded by an open-ended compilation based on the results of the opencall. But the project is not experimentally boundaryless, it has a condition: it gropes a thin line between metaphors that rather obscure, dilute, and those through which we are able to experience close encounters with realities that we may have consciously or subconsciously resisted until now.
Main photo: Skynsuit, Aaron Morgastein
Photo: Eva Rybářová
House of the Lords of Kunštát, G99
Dominikánská 9
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